The 8-Minute Wonder




How much exercise do you need?

“It depends on your goals. Do you want to get more fit? Do you just want to maintain your current fitness level? How fit are you now?   If you are very inactive and unfit, start off slowly. Do 20-30 minutes, four days a week. Be careful not to strain, and always warm up first.   If you are currently somewhat active and looking to improve your fitness, go for at least 30 minutes, five or six days a week. Then you can gradually increase it if you wish to become very fit. A very fit person would be putting in at least six hours per week.  You should include all components of fitness- cardio, strength, and flexibility.  So, for example, you could walk, bike or run 3 days a week and do weight training and stretching the other three. Never train the same muscles with weights two days in a row.” 

I took this answer off the internet.  It was provided by rumproast, so I am happy to give credit. 

I don’t know if I can improve on rumproast’s answer, but I will offer my opinion.  You need cardio work, you need strength and flexibility work.  You need as much activity as makes you feel good and perform well in your daily activities.  If you aren’t puffing and sweating several times a week for 20 – 30 minutes each time, then you probably aren’t getting enough cardio work.  If you find your body is stiff and in pain much of the time, then you probably aren’t getting enough strength and flexibility exercise.  There are several other factors to consider that are equally as important as exercise and will affect your body to the same extent:  What are your eating habits?  Are you overweight?  What are things you are doing (like long periods of inactivity, dangerous activities like some contact sports) that are detrimental to your body?

Here are a few more questions you may wish to ask yourself:  What do you want your body to be?  How do you want to feel?  What can you do to create the body and health you want? 

I will tell you what I do, a man in his very late 50s, with a bum back.  I do The 8-Minute Wonder first thing in the morning, 45 minutes before bed, and as needed (two minutes or so several times during the day) if I am very inactive.  After work every day I get cardio and strength exercise.  I lift dumbbells and use stretch bands for strength.  Then, for cardio, I jump on the treadmill 20 minutes, or go for a fast bike ride of 25 minutes or so, or go golfing (walking, of course).  I make my exercise fun, like recess for kids.  This is my reward for a great day’s work.

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