Ben Franklin University .

Welcome to Ben Franklin University!

Our goal is to help people earn college credit that can be used at the institution of their choice to earn a degree. 

We make education faster, better, more fun, more accessible and, best of all, much much cheaper than any community college, college or university.

There are no books to purchase, no daily commute to class. 

We feature a state-of-the-art online learning system that focuses attention on the core knowledge needed for each subject, no more, no less. 


Colleges that will accept credit you earn through our service . . .

Trident Tech-16 hours

College of Charleston-over 30 hours

Coastal Carolina University-60 hours

University of South Carolina, Columbia-30 hours

Charleston Southern University-30 hours

Francis Marion University, Florence-42 hours plus

Almost 3,000 other colleges in the country will also accept these credits.  Most colleges will accept!



Costs per credit hour at South Carolina colleges and universities:

Tuition only figuring 12 hours per semester (Counting room, board, books would more double the cost in most cases)

$401   College of Charleston (yearly tuition, $9,616)

$403   Coastal Carolina University, Conway (yearly tuition, $9,680)

$407   University of South Carolina, Columbia (yearly tuition, $9,768)

$891  Charleston Southern University (yearly tuition, $21,400)

$352  Francis Marion University, Florence (yearly tuition, $8,467)

$68  Ben Franklin University, Summerville


$68  Is what you will pay per credit hour using our service.  In many cases you will pay less.  Seldom or never will you have to pay more.

Do you really think any college freshman or sophmore class is worth $1,200-$3,800?   I don't!

I have been a college English teacher for years and I know exactly what goes on in lower-level college classes.  Truth be told the instruction is not much different than high school except in the price.  So, why pay it when you don't have to!

Yes, these credits will be accepted by your school.  No, these credits won't look bad on your transcript.  You will be thrilled you took advantage of this opportunity some day.  I will be glad and proud to show you the 42 hours credit on my transcript I earned using the same method.

You can start right now by giving me a call.

I will enroll you in my service today and email you materials so you can start immediately.  You could earn your first college credits in as little as two weeks.

This service will be most useful to people who have not taken the first two years of college already. 

You do not have to have a high school diploma or GED to begin earning college credit.  There are no age restrictions!    Juniors and seniors in high school and homeschoolers are great candidates!  Adults looking for a fast track to a college degree that they can easily do while keeping their current job--this is just what the doctor ordered. 

These credits will count toward a degree at the college of your choice! 

The only South Carolina schools I've found that don't work well with this system are The Citadel and Clemson.  30 hours should be a minimum for most 4-year institutions.

Before you get started you will know which courses to take and how many credits your school will accept.


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