The 8-Minute Wonder




About The 8-Minute Wonder

What is The 8-Minute Wonder?  It's a simple little exercise that can help almost everyone in a number of different and important ways. 

Who will Benefit from The 8-Minute Wonder? The 8-Minute Wonder is for just about everyone, not just old golfing geezers like me.   Little kids play strenuous sports.  Teenagers, young adults, middle age folks, and seniors: everyone does or should do vigorous exercise.  And with vigorous exercise comes the possibility, or should I say, likelihood, of injury.  The 8-Minute Wonder is a simple warm up and cool down exercise that can prevent sports injury, and possibly enable you to play your sport better, and definitely make your body feel better afterwards. 

So, The 8-Minute Wonder is for all the active people in the world, young, old and in-between.  

It is also, believe it or not, for all the inactive people in the world.  Desk workers, long distance drivers, couch potatoes (and that's all of us sometime, right?) listen carefully:  You are at risk for back pain and injury!  This is not news for many of you, for you suffer along with me.  The 8-Minute Wonder may make your pain go away, or it may not, but it will surely help you avoid pain and injury in the future!

You know that if you remain seated for a long period of time bad things occur to your body.  Pain is the sign of injury, and the injury and pain can be severe.  Odd as it may seem, you can completely incapacitate yourself by working at a desk or driving long distances.  The pain from a herniated disk with nerve tear (which I had before I invented The 8-Minute Wonder) is enough to make you roll on the floor for days writhing in pain.

Royalty-free Clip Art: Male Golfer Being Hit By A Golf BallThink of getting a tooth pulled without Novocain.

Well, The 8-Minute Wonder is my antidote to sports injury caused from inadequate warm up, and back/leg issues caused from remaining seated too long.  It is also an aid to posture (since it keeps your back and legs flexible), and it may also provide many people with pain-free sleep!  Playing golf used to keep me up nights tossing and turning and thrashing about trying to get comfortable.  My wife frequently asked me to move my restless self to another bed.  Well, if you have back or leg pain you may find The 8-Minute Wonder a wonderful blessing.  For me, this happens to be the clearest proof of the worth of this exercise.  All I have to do is skip my exercise one evening and I once again become The Thrashing Man, and end up sleeping on the couch.

When to do The 8-Minute Wonder? Do the exercise first thing in the morning and about an hour before bed.  You may also do The 8-Minute Wonder as needed during your day for however long you deem necessary, if you are engaged in a physical activity (or non-activity like sitting at a desk long hours) that puts you at risk of injury. 

I do The 8-Minute Wonder twice every day and then a few minutes before and after each major exercise activity such as playing golf or a 20 minute session on the treadmill.  If I am working long hours seated at a desk, I will do the exercise for two minutes or so every 60-90 minutes.   Sometimes I vary this activity by jumping on the treadmill, elliptical machine, or going for a quick bike ride.  The 8-Minute Wonder is great because it can be done anywhere, without special clothes or equipment.   You can even do it, as I do, while filling up the gas tank or at rest areas when traveling. 


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