The 8-Minute Wonder




Ben Franklin University

Ben Franklin University is a page on Dr. Davis’ The Magic of Reading Website that is devoted to self-improvement.  Davis provides a number of techniques for personal development and change similar to the one that follows.  If you find “Give Something the Heave Ho” interesting, you may wish to check out the other topics on Ben Franklin University.  Just go to Davis’ website and navigate to Ben Franklin University, or use this link:


You have an awesome power you may not be aware of--the power to say, “I have had enough, I am not going to play this game anymore.  I am going to give this person, this problem, or this business the heave ho!”

Dr. Davis explains how he discovered this very refreshing and empowering technique which he uses every day to keep order in his universe and to make sure he controls events and people rather than allow them to control him.

 Give Something the Heave Ho!

This is a fun little idea that came to me during a bad moment and has become a valued, if a little wacky, part of my daily thinking process.  I just love the thought that I always have the option of giving things I don't like the heave ho!

There are two ways to use this technique, and they are both pretty easy to grasp. You can get a lot of benefit and joy from giving something (or someone!) the Heave Ho, or you can decide that although you could give something the Heave Ho, it is in your best interest not to. Once you make a decision either way and act, a minor miracle will occur.

This idea came to me when I had a run-in with a Giant Financial Institution. I had a money market account that paid high interest but charged a $25 fee if you did not meet certain requirements. Now I had had a similar account with the same institution a few years before and had never been charged a fee like this. And, there was nothing I could see (and I'm sure I did not look very hard, since I wasn't expecting it) about the fee in the information I read about the account.

Once I discovered the fee was being charged, I read the literature of the account and found the $25 fee statement in tiny print at the bottom of the page.   There it was. I was out $150!  I kissed the money goodbye, then set down to consider my options.  Having already said goodbye to the money, it was easier to think clearly than if I felt I had to get it back or hold onto it.  

My options were (1) I could make some phone calls  (2) I could accept the $150 error, learn from it, and move on with life (3) I could give the GFI the Old Heave Ho!

I decided to make the calls, act remorseful, and impart a veiled threat of transferring my money to another GFI.  Knowing I could give the GFI the Heave Ho allowed me to speak freely and to have power during the conversation.  I was not attached to this company for life, and if they did not recognize a good customer when they saw one, well, I would take my portfolio elsewhere.  I was very nice during the conversation, and never came out Laughing Clown Tossing a Cream Pieand said I would bolt the flock if I did not get my way, but this was certainly understood.  The customer service person offered me a one-time “forgiveness” and credited my account the $150 that had been withdrawn.

The step-by-step process:

1.  Be on the lookout for situations where you could give something or someone the heave ho.

2.  Ask two magic questions: "Is it in my best interest to give this thing or this the heave ho?”  "What are likely to be the consequences?"

3.  If the satisfaction and benefit to you outweigh any negative consequences that might transpire, go ahead and HEAVE!  We all should heave ho occasionally; maybe this is the day for you to do it!

4.  If you elect to heave ho, accept the consequences like a man or woman. Never look back in a negative way on your decision. Remember the fun you had heaving, and stick to your decision no matter what. After all, if you throw someone out of your house you would look pretty silly going up to them, dusting them off, and inviting  them back inside!



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