Ben Franklin University .

Our Services

Ben Franklin University is an educational service that provides online instruction and guidance to insure that you complete and get college credit for each course you take.  BFU is not a real educational institution with buildings, high-dollar faculty, sports teams, and all that overhead!  We do not grant college credit, but our courses lead directly to college credit that can be applied to the degree you want at the college of your choice.

We provide the materials, lots of information and guidance.  You provide the time and effort to complete the course.  Our instruction method makes learning simple and easy as it can be, but still there is work to be done! 

The cost to attend Ben Franklin University is $100.

You can pay by the course or by the month.

Pay by the course and we will work with you until you complete the course and receive college credit.

Pay by the month and you can complete several courses each month.   For people in a hurry, people who have a good educatonal foundation, or those with extra time, this is the way to go.

There is also an examination fee of $105 that the student must pay for each course taken.  This is paid to an institution such as Trident Tech where examinations are held.

In most cases there will be no additional costs.  I supply all the course materials and no textbooks are required.  If additional materials should be deemed necessary or useful to purchase, these will be paid for by the student.  

Central to Ben Franklin University is a learning method invented in 2005 that allows you to learn quickly and in spare moments during your busy day.  You can learn just about anywhere.  You do not have to be at a computer or to study out of large books. 

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