Ben Franklin University .

Courses Offered

More courses will be added each week.

Expensive textbooks will not be required, though you will be encouraged to suppliment course materials with reading and exploration on your own.


BFU 101  Introduction to Psychology 

3 credits. Suggested preparation time with no knowledge of the subject: 1-4 weeks.

Course introduces the field of psychology and its basic concepts, theories, research methods, and contributions to the understanding of human behavior. Topics include the nervous system, perception, motivation, learning and memory, social behavior, personality, developmental, and clinical psychology. The past and current theories and contributions of major psychologists are explored.

The Introductory Psychology examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester undergraduate introductory course in psychology. It stresses basic facts, concepts and generally accepted principles in history, approaches and methods of psychology; biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception; states of consciousness; learning; cognition; motivation and emotion; personality; psychological disorders and treatment; social psychology; and statistics, tests and measurements.


BFU 102  Introduction to Sociology 

3 credits. Suggested preparation time with no knowledge of the subject: 1-4 weeks.

Course focuses on basic concepts, research, and theories involved in increasing the understanding of human behavior and human societies. Utilizing a sociological perspective, the interrelations among human societies, individuals, organizations, and groups are analyzed. Topics of analysis include culture, social interaction, social institutions, social stratification, community, and various social change strategies.

The Introductory Sociology examination is designed to assess an individual's knowledge of the material typically presented in a one-semester introductory-level sociology course at most colleges and universities. The examination emphasizes basic facts and concepts as well as general theoretical approaches used by sociologists on the topics of institutions, social patterns, social processes, social stratifications and the sociological perspective. Highly-specialized knowledge of the subject and the methodology of the discipline is not required or measured by the test content.


BFU 103  Principles of Management 

3 credits.  Suggested preparation time with no knowledge of the subject: 1-4 weeks.

This course is an introduction to the principles of management examining their application in public and private, profit and non-profit organizations. Students will explore the areas of employee motivation, group behavior, leadership, strategic planning, organizational design, and career opportunities. Fundamental concepts of management, effective communication competency, ethical dilemmas faced by managers and corporate social responsibility will be explored.

The Principles of Management examination covers material that is usually taught in an introductory course in the essentials of management and organization. Questions on the exam require you to demonstrate knowledge of management functions and techniques, and ability to associate the meaning of specific terminology with important management ideas, processes and techniques. You will also be required to apply knowledge, general concepts and principles to specific problems.


BFU 104  Principles of Marketing 

3 credits. Suggested preparation time with no knowledge of the subject:  1-4 weeks.

A study of the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

The Principles of Marketing examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in marketing. Such a course is usually known as Basic Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing or Marketing Principles. The exam is concerned with the role of marketing in society and within a firm, understanding consumer and organizational markets, marketing strategy planning, the marketing mix, marketing institutions, and other selected topics, such as international marketing, ethics, marketing research, services and not-for-profit marketing. You're expected to have a basic knowledge of the economic/demographic, social/cultural, political/legal and technological trends that are important to marketing.


BFU 105 American Government

3 credits. Suggested preparation time with a little knowledge of the subject: 1-4 weeks.

The American Government examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in American government and politics courses in political science departments around the United States.  These courses go beyond a general understanding of civics to incorporate political processes and behavior.  The exam covers topics such as the institutions and policy processes of the federal government, the federal courts and civil liberties, political parties and interest groups, political beliefs and behavior, and the content and history of the Constitution.


BFU 106 History of the United States I 

3 credits. Suggested preparation time with a little knowledge of the subject: 1-4 weeks.

The History of the United States I examination covers material that is usually that is usually taught in the first semester of a two-semester course in United States history.  The examination covers the period of United States history from early European colonization to the end of Reconstruction, with the majority of the questions on the period of 1790-1877.  In the part covering the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, emphasis is placed on the English colonies.


More courses will be added every week.


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